how to play nasus and not die trying.

this web page has been around for 8 months and still, i haven’t talked about kek. (league for the n00bs). the reasons for that is i didn’t have nothing to talk about. also, i’m sick of the fucking game but i still play it. (thank you Hyouran and Mrs Doggo, you know who you are) Continuar leyendo «how to play nasus and not die trying.»

reviewing return to ommadawn by Mike Oldfield.

it’s been over 41 years since oldfield published his album «ommadawn», an instrumental album divided in two parts with a medieval celtic style. two years have passed by since oldfield released a disc and when you are a musician, you can’t really stop making music. because he couldn’t get the inspiration he chose a very prudent option: go back to origins.

goodbye to four-minute songs. we go back to the classic format. two parts, 20 minute each. simple. like in the vinyl times.

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